

A history of passion, quality and innovation.

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  • 1983

    Birth of a dream

    The 'Shanghu grinding wheel factory' founded by Mr. Chaosheng Xu in Shanghu village becomes one of the few industrial enterprise in Yongkang County. At the beginning the factory employ only 10 workers to produce grinding wheel blades and it has a very small production scale.

    The products shipment can only be made through post office and the annual sales amount was about 100.000 RMB (14.000 $). In the following years the company increases sales in the domestic market and it starts to develop export trade.

  • 1992

    Crown name

    The factory pays tax for 500.000 RMB (70.000 $) every year and it becomes the local biggest tax payer. Meanwhile it negotiates an important joint venture with foreign partners and it changes its name in ‘Zhejiang Yongkang Jiamei resin grinding wheel Co.,Ltd.’

    In the same year it builds its first own workshop improving its managment mode focusing on new ideas and technologies innovation.

    The CROWN name begins becomes popular both in domestic and overseas markets.

  • 1994

    From accessories to power tools

    The ever more consistent growth of the company convinces the leadership to diversify its own products line and to start to engage in production and sales of power tools. In the following years the sales amount of the company exceeded 10 million of RBM (1.400.000 $).
    In the same period , Mr. Steven Xu joins the leadership team. His modern business point of view favors the hiring of foreign talents by increasing the company's competitiveness at international level. The company obtains UL, GS, CE and EMC professional certifications and it expands the sales of products from Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia markets to European and American markets.

  • 2000

    CROWN brand in the new millennium

    The company establishes the ‘CROWN Power Tools Manufacture Co.,Ltd.’ in Jinhua and in the following 2 years the whole sales amount of CROWN Group exceeded 100 million of RMB (140.000.000 $).

    In May 2002, CROWN starts to cooperate with leading world brands of powertools on OEM project. In March 2004, the company creates CROWN Newspaper starting to pay attention to corporate cultural construction. In May 2004 CROWN establish its own brand and begin to sell rebranded products mainly to Southeast Asia markets.

  • 2005

    Growth, development and investments

    CROWN set up a joint venture with ‘Zhejiang Hengtai Machinery Co.,Ltd.’ and starts to produce garden tools in large scale. In the same year introduces the ERP number system for spare parts and products. In 2006, it establishes the ‘Zhejiang Gosail Trading Co.,Ltd.’ separating production and sales and creating a training system to train new professional talents.
    To better coordinate the work between headquarters and the subsidiary companies CROWN establishes ‘CROWN Investment Group Co., Ltd.’ focused on tools manufacture and industrial investment.  In 2007 in Jinhua, the plant of Hengtai CROWN is completed and put in use meanwhile has established the ‘Shanghai SOWIN Investment Co., Ltd.’.

  • 2010

    Merit Link

    To better manage business strategy, brands, sales, marketing, logistic and suppliers, ‘Merit Link Co.,Ltd.’ is founded in Shanghai. Merit link group acquires DWT and Tosan brands and starts to sell them together with CROWN brand both in domestic and overseas markets.

    In Switzerland, in Stabio, it establishes the ‘Merit link Int. AG.’ creating a new office with professional team to follow and support communication, design, marketing, brands development and customers all over the world.

  • 2016

    To the future

    From 2016 Merit Link International AG has started to develop the European markets focusing on a new premium line of power tools and equipment called B3 series.

    In the B3 line the design has been completely rethought and new stunning improvement of features and performance has been added to compete against world leader brands.

    The new R&D center is engaged to develop constantly new products and categories in order to satisfy the needs of the professional users.

  • The beginning

    The employees carried the products to ship to the post office with bicycles or motorcycles.

    14.000 USD

    Initial yearly turnover

    The annual sales amount in the domestic market was 100.000 RMB, about 14.000 dollars.

    Yongkang factory

    The enterprise gradually grew up and in few time it became the local biggest firm.




  • 1st. generation logo

    The first Generation of CROWN logo is designed and printed on the products.

    CROWN tools

    An advertisment page that promoted the new line of CROWN grinding disc.



  • Power tools

    In the Yongkang CROWN power tools factory began the production of early power tools.

    1.4 MIL USD

    Yearly turnover

    The annual sales amount increase until 10.000.000 RMB, about 1.400.000 dollars.

    New markets

    The company started to export to Middle East, South America, South-east Asia and U.S. markets.




  • 2nd. generation logo

    The first Generation of CROWN logo is redesigned and the "CROWN red color" became part of brand identity.

    Jinhua CROWN factory

    The new CROWN power tools factory expanded the production to garden tools, cutting tools, hammers and planers.

    140 MIL USD

    Yearly turnover

    The annual sales amount increase until 100.000.000 RMB, about 140.000.000 dollars.




  • Hengtai CROWN

    In 2005 work began on the construction of the new plant of Hengtai CROWN.

    CROWN logo

    The CROWN logo is rethinked again and was born the third and actual logo version.


    To increase the investments the SOWIN Investment Co., Ltd. is established in Shanghai.




  • DWT and Tosan

    DWT, Tosan and CROWN brands are gathered under Merit Link and sell both in domestic and overseas markets.

    Merit Link Int. AG. office

    Few kilomters far from Lugano, in Stabio, the new design and communication headquarter is opened.



  • B3 products

    The CROWN B3 products line is a complete range of power tools that are powerful, light and sturdy.

    B3 packaging

    The B3 line packaging with new icons set has a modern design, clear information and high quality standard.



  • 4factories

    CROWN has 4 own factories located in China that fully conform international standards. All of them use TPS production management system. We directly produce over 90% of our products and when we make use of outsourcing suppliers they must fully conform to the highest standard both in terms of quality and labor protection.

  • +105.000sqm

    Our manufacturing complex consists in 4 factories with a total area that covers more than 105.000 sqm. The plants's dimensions allow us to cover the whole process of production and also to have an efficent and fornished warehouse.

  • +1.500employees

    The company employes over 1500 people to cover our international business necessities. Thanks to the factories workers, the international management, the sales and all the professional talents which work in our marketing and design department we can provide the best service to the final user.

  • 40countries

    CROWN operates its business in 40 countries all over the world and sells products in all five continents. Our market share constantly increases year by year.

  • 4+9millions

    CROWN yearly produces over 4 millions of power tools and over 9 millions of accessories. All our production fully conform international standard.

  • #5top list

    CROWN is within top 5 list of Chinese hardware equipment manufacturer factories by size and yearly business volume.

  • 5macro areas

    CROWN fully satisfies the needs of hardware tools sector. To meet our customers demands we have developed our products range within 5 macro areas: power tools, accessories, garden / welding equipment and air tools.

  • 1.000products

    Our prodcuts are built and designed following the highest quality standard. Most of categories are the best in class and every customer can find the appropiate solution to facilitate his daily job. Make it faster, make it better.

  • B3line

    The B3 line products are versatile, innovative and they fully meets the requirements of professional users. The linear and modern design combined with great robustness and powerful makes our power tools beautiful to see and easy to use.







We look ahead, anticipating and responding to change with agility. We are problem-solvers who explore new ideas and we are driven to find the ideal solution. We challenge the status quo, think outside of the box, and learn from our experiences. We encourage and value informed initiative-taking.


All our relationships are built on trust. We are transparent and ethical. We act with integrity, keep our word, and treat everyone with respect. We empower others and we feel empowered.


Our strength is in the power of our collaboration and teamwork. We leverage our best-in-class skills, our best practices and our ideas locally and across the globe.


We believe in providing quality and value in everything we do, to our clients and to our communities. We seek new project and client opportunities. We have a positive attitude and we flourish in an inspiring and enjoyable atmosphere.


This is reflected in our attention to client needs, and reinforced in our work environment by the way we support each other. We are socially responsible and have a positive impact on our communities. We diligently ensure that sustainable principles are woven into all that we do. We make health and safety a priority.



It is a world-class leader in design, manufacturing and marketing of power tools, outdoor power equipment, and hardware related products for consumers, professional and industrial users in the home improvement, repair and construction industries. Our unrelenting strategic focus on powerful brands, innovative products, business operation excellence and exceptional people drives our culture.

  • International group

    We’re an international group, we sell our brands in more than 40 countries worldwide. To control this huge network we’ve established two hedquarters and we’re going to open three subsidiaries strategically located in the heart of the most interesting markets. Our branch officies supervise operations and markets expansion. Our officies are the touching points with our business partners, keep the relationship and grow the business, together.




    South America + US

    Merit Link USA*


    (Purchasing/sales/brand management)


    C.I.S + Europe

    Merit Link Swiss




    China + South East Asia

    Merit Link China




    C.I.S + Europe

    Merit Link Dubai




    C.I.S + Europe

    Merit Link Singapore*

  • Headquarters

    Merit Link has two bases, one in Switzerland and one in China. These are our hequarters, in Switzerland we’re focus on the brand management, product design, R&D and innovation.Switzerland branch is also the base of purchasing and sales for EMEA markets. In China we’ve the core of the operation center, production sites, chainstores for China domestic market and sales management for APAC markets.

    Brand management

    International Image

    Purchasing center OEM

    Product design / communication

    Operation Center

    Production capabilities

    Chain store

    Supplier union

  • Business model

    Under the same business model concept and management system operate the business worldwide. Our offer consist in a combination of products and sales channel. We’ve developed a group of brands to fulfill the markets needs and our own retail network to push the products in the market. Combining traditional off line sales method with On-line platform of E-commerce.


    Multi-Brand / Categories platform

    On World-wide markets Meritlink is delivering an offer based on a multi-brand, multi positioning Architecture. Thanks to its four private labels can offer a complete solution for the hardware tools sector. Four quality levels and a wide range of products can satisfy the demand of the markets. Today Meritlink operate the business in 40 countries worldwide and continuosly expand the markets.

    • Four private labels
    • Four quality levels
    • Wide range of categories
    • Wide range of products
    • International markets


    Chainstore / E-commerce / Service

    In China domestic market Meritlink is operating a new solution based on Chianstore business model. Meritlink refer to a famous player of hardware stores. Meritlink is a Tools and Service provider and combine offline + on-line offer in order to compete in the market. The product offer include private labels, agent brands and famous brand in the hardware sector.

    • Chainstore
    • Tools + Service provider
    • Offline + Online
    • Private labels + Agent Brands
    • Famous Brands
  • Chainstore

    In China domestic market Merit Link has started its own chainstores to better support the growing demand of hardware tools. Merit Link can support and help the retailers to build a complete infrastructure to better serve the users. Joining Merit Link the shop owner can access to a world of opportuinites, having a wide choice in terms of brands/products selection and services like warehousing, purchasing, promotion.

    Unified brand image


    Image renovation

    Marketing promotion

    Brand promotion

    Service system

    Chainstore service


    After sales service


    Technical support

    Customer care

    Product system

    Data system

    Power tools

    Garden tools

    Welding equipm.

    Hand tools

    Pneumatic equipm.

    Brand system

    Purchase / sales

    Private labels

    Agent brands

    Famous brands

    Training system



    Technical training

    Product training

    Chainstore system

    Chainstore management

    Common image

    Standard products

    Standard service

    Standard managment

    Talent input

  • Brand architecture

    Merit Link fulfill the necessities of hardware market, offering a complete group of brands with different quality level positioning. We’ve four private labels and also agent brands. The products and categories are developed according the different necessities of each professional segments under the same vision and strategy. In order to always provide the best products, with the best technology at the best price.




    Own brands




    Agent brand

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